You are NOT God’s Masterpiece

August 3, 2013

this tweet

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Pauline Authorship Survey Chart

August 1, 2013

James McGrath posted a chartMcGrath’s thoughtsRick Sumner’s

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July 31, 2013


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Think the Pope said something great about gays? Think again.

July 29, 2013
Pope Francis

Wall Street Journal reports this morning

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Barth on Grace

July 28, 2013
Karl Barth

The Preaching of the GospelonlineDear brothers and sisters, where do we stand now? One things is certain: the bright day has dawned, the sun of God does shine into our dark lives, even though we may close our eyes to its radiance. His voice does call us from heaven, even though we may obstruct our […]

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Christians with a difference

July 24, 2013

While reflecting on the nature of evangelical ChristianityThe Screwtape Letters

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Some thoughts on evangelicalism

July 18, 2013

an earlier posta slew of other issues

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Trayvon Martin and the American “justice” system

July 16, 2013
The iceberg that sank the Titanic

The Sentencing ProjectThe Innocence ProjectNearly 70 percent of the 242 people exonerated by DNA testing to date are people of color. These exonerations have spotlighted racial bias in the criminal justice system and the need for reforms that address these inequalities.Bureau of Justice Statisticsblacks were disproportionately represented among homicide victims and offenders. Blacks were six […]

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