
Why was the Ham/Nye debate audience so white?

February 14, 2014

Elizabeth DiasWhat You Missed While Not Watching the Bill Nye and Ken Ham Creation Debate2 minutes. Nye, in his signature bowtie, and Ham, with his Aussie accent, hop on stage, shake hands, and ready themselves behind their respective Apple laptops (only Nye’s has stickers). Nye stands on the left. Ham is on the right. The […]

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A simple choice

July 19, 2013
Black or White?
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Trayvon Martin and the American “justice” system

July 16, 2013
The iceberg that sank the Titanic

The Sentencing ProjectThe Innocence ProjectNearly 70 percent of the 242 people exonerated by DNA testing to date are people of color. These exonerations have spotlighted racial bias in the criminal justice system and the need for reforms that address these inequalities.Bureau of Justice Statisticsblacks were disproportionately represented among homicide victims and offenders. Blacks were six […]

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